How to Get a Deeper Voice in 5 Days: Practical Tips and Techniques

Your voice is one of the first things people notice about you. Whether you’re introducing yourself in a job interview, speaking up in a meeting, or even making casual conversation at a social gathering, your voice plays a pivotal role in how others perceive you. Studies have shown that the tone and depth of your voice can significantly influence first impressions.

A deeper voice isn’t just about sounding more masculine or authoritative; it’s also linked to increased self-confidence and can even have professional advantages. From a psychological standpoint, deeper voices are often associated with qualities such as wisdom, leadership, and trustworthiness. 

Changing your voice may seem like a difficult or even insurmountable task, but the truth is that you can make noticeable improvements with some dedication and the right approach. In this post, we’ll guide you through a 5-day journey filled with practical tips and techniques to help you achieve a deeper, more resonant voice.

How to Get a Deeper Voice in 5 Days

1. Diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing, often referred to as “belly breathing,” is a technique where one breathes deep into the lungs by engaging the diaphragm, a large muscle located horizontally between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. 

This form of breathing provides better oxygenation and relaxes the vocal cords, allowing them to produce a deeper sound. When you breathe with your diaphragm, your abdomen should expand outward, while your chest remains relatively still. 

Over time, consistently practicing diaphragmatic breathing can train your vocal cords to resonate at a lower pitch, aiding in producing a deeper voice.

2. Blowing bubbles

Blowing bubbles in a glass of water using a straw may sound like a child’s pastime, but it can effectively deepen voice. This activity promotes controlled diaphragmatic breathing and also provides resistance for the vocal cords, helping them strengthen and deepen in tone. 

To practice, fill a glass with water, place a straw into the water, and blow bubbles. Ensure you produce a consistent and controlled stream of bubbles, which indicates you’re using your diaphragm effectively. 

How to Get a Deeper Voice in 5 Days: Practical Tips and Techniques

3. Yawning and sighing

Yawning and sighing can stretch and relax the vocal cords. Yawning naturally drops your larynx (voice box) and opens up your throat, offering an optimal pathway for your voice. Following a yawn with a deep sigh allows your vocal cords to vibrate at a lower frequency. 

You train your vocal cords to become more flexible and responsive by practicing controlled yawning and sighing exercises. This technique can be especially helpful as a warm-up exercise before practicing deeper vocal tones.

4. Humming

Humming is an excellent way to reverberate your voice and feel the vibrations in different parts of your face and chest. Start by humming at your natural pitch, then gradually lower the pitch while paying attention to where you feel the vibrations. 

Ideally, for a deeper voice, you’ll want to feel these vibrations in your chest and throat. Regular humming exercises can train your voice to resonate more in these areas, leading to a deeper overall voice.

5. Inflection

Inflection refers to the modulation or variation in pitch while speaking. Many people inadvertently raise the pitch of their voice at the end of sentences, making their voice sound higher or less confident. 

You can produce a more authoritative and deeper voice by consciously controlling your inflection and practicing ending your sentences with a downward inflection or maintaining a steady pitch. This technique is about deepening the voice and conveying confidence and assertiveness through your speech patterns.

Does a Deep Voice Make You More of a Man?

A deep voice is often culturally associated with masculinity and maturity due to the influence of testosterone on vocal cord thickness during puberty. In many societies, a deeper voice in males is seen as a sign of virility and strength. However, voice depth alone doesn’t define one’s manliness or gender identity. 

Masculinity includes physical, emotional, psychological, and societal elements. Again, many men naturally have higher-pitched voices, while some women may possess lower, resonant voices, neither of which necessarily reflect their gender identity or societal roles.


Can push ups make your voice deeper?

Push-ups primarily target the chest, shoulders, and triceps, and while they can enhance overall physical strength and posture, their direct effect on voice deepening is minimal. However, push-ups can indirectly influence voice depth. When done correctly, they engage the diaphragm, promoting better breath control and support, which are essential for vocal production.


While the depth of one’s voice can influence perceptions, authenticity truly resonates with others. A deeper voice, achieved through dedication and the right techniques, can improve confidence and impact first impressions. But it’s equally important to embrace the voice that is uniquely yours. 

The techniques provided in this post offer a path to a deeper voice and a greater understanding and connection with oneself.